da www.guardacheluna-luna.blogspot.com |
Non c’è
cosa più bella che avere
i capelli bianchi di vita
tenere per mano un bambino
insegnargli a muovere i primi
passi incerti.
Leggere nei suoi occhi
una speranza
grande più di noi,
dei nostri mondi.
Essergli accanto,
ma solo per difenderlo da ciò
che ancora è troppo grande
per la sua
Lasciarlo libero di correre
dietro le farfalle sui prati,
di scoprire la vita,
ma poco a poco,
per non restarne deluso.
Lasciarlo libero di cadere
per insegnargli a rialzarsi da solo,
per non seguire i nostri
passi sbagliati,
perché capisca prima e più
di quanto noi capimmo.
Parlargli di noi
delle nostre paure,
vederlo sorridere,
tra i silenzi dei suoi perché
nel donarci
la forza del suo domani
mentre carezziamo i suoi capelli
e nasciamo nuovamente insieme a lui
che ci spiega
la vita
There is
best thing to have
the white hair of life
a child holding hands
teach him to move the first
uncertain steps.
Read in her eyes
a hope
big plus of us,
of our worlds.
Be his next,
but only to defend it from what
which is still too large
for his imagination.
Leave it free to run
behind the butterflies on the lawn,
to discover life,
but little by little,
to avoid any disappointment.
Leave it free to fall
to teach him to stand up alone,
not to follow our
understand why the first and most
what we understood.
Talk to us
our fears,
see him smile,
between the silences because of its
give us the
the strength of its future
and stroked her hair
and born again with him
that explains
best thing to have
the white hair of life
a child holding hands
teach him to move the first
uncertain steps.
Read in her eyes
a hope
big plus of us,
of our worlds.
Be his next,
but only to defend it from what
which is still too large
for his imagination.
Leave it free to run
behind the butterflies on the lawn,
to discover life,
but little by little,
to avoid any disappointment.
Leave it free to fall
to teach him to stand up alone,
not to follow our
understand why the first and most
what we understood.
Talk to us
our fears,
see him smile,
between the silences because of its
give us the
the strength of its future
and stroked her hair
and born again with him
that explains
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